Isabel García-Tejerina presents the Spanish Climate Action Platform in collaboration with Climate-KIC Spain as a strategic partner for innovation and entrepreneurship
23 Feb 2018
- The presentation will take place at the Ministry’s headquarters on Tuesday 27 February.
- A public-private platform to contribute to the UN Global Climate Action Agenda
23 February 2018 – The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, will present on Tuesday 27 February at 10:30 a. m. the Spanish Climate Action Platform, Spain’s main contribution to the Global Climate Action Agenda.
The Spanish Climate Action Platform seeks to involve public and private entities in Spain in global action to combat climate change. Its objectives include promoting compliance with the Paris Agreement, moving towards a low emission and resilient economy, and strengthening an innovative and competitive economy in Spain.
The initiative to create the Platform was shared at the last Bonn Climate Summit (COP 23), where it was well received by the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and was considered a pioneering initiative in the framework of climate action at the international level. Since then, a large number of administrations, companies, organizations and individuals have shown their interest in joining the platform.
The platform is a joint initiative between the Spanish Office for Climate Change (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, MAPAMA), the Spanish Global Compact Network and ECODES, in its role as executive secretariat of the Community #PorElClima and EIT Climate-KIC Spain as knowledge on innovation and climate entrepreneurship.
The Platform, within the cooperation framework it proposes, aligns itself with the integrating spirit that EIT Climate-KIC has on the pyramid of innovation in terms of action for climate: to put all the actors of the company, academia, research and public bodies to work together to identify and create innovative solutions to tackle climate change. In this environment, EIT Climate-KIC Spain is configured as a strategic partner for the development of knowledge on innovation and climate entrepreneurship. There are many opportunities in both the public and private sectors to identify and share best practices in mitigation and adaptation and to incorporate innovative solutions,”said Jose-Luis Muñoz, Director of EIT Climate-KIC Spain.
Agenda of the Event
Venue: Lucernario – Paseo Infanta Isabel, nº 1, Madrid
10:30 h. Opening of the event.
Ms. Mónica López, RTVE Meteorology Director
10:35 h Mobilizing global action through the Agenda for Action Global Climate. Video of Ms. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
10:40 h. Main axes of the Spanish Platform for Climate Action.
- The impulse of society, the Community #For Climate – Víctor Viñuales, Director of ECODES.
- Business leadership. Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera, Vice-President of the Spanish Green Growth Group.
- Contribution to the fulfillment of the ODS. Isabel Garro, General Manager of Global Compact Spain.
- Innovation as a lever for action. Jose Luis Muñoz, Director of Climate-KIC Spain.
11:00 h. Closing. Ms Isabel García Tejerina, Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment.